
Venabu’s webcam allows you to see what the weather is like at Venabu at all times. The camera is placed on one of our rental cabins in a northerly direction, towards the well-known peak Muen on Venabygdsfjellet.

Sincere and personal service for 75 years

Homemade food | Active holidays

Venabu Fjellhotell is located in the heart of Venabygdsfjellet with a view of Rondane National Park, easily accessible from both Trondheim and Oslo. We are known for an inclusive atmosphere and tasty, home-cooked food. For the past 75 years, the Tvete family has welcomed the mountains – here you can relax and recharge your batteries, or enjoy an active holiday, whether you like skiing, walking, riding or perhaps you would rather participate in a courses in Tai Chi, yoga or photography?

Welcome to Venabu!